Type alias MixstatusEvents

MixstatusEvents: {
    nowPlaying: ((state: State) => void);
    setEnded: (() => void);
    setStarted: (() => void);
    stopped: ((opt: {
        deviceId: DeviceID;
    }) => void);

The interface the mix status event emitter should follow

Type declaration

  • nowPlaying: ((state: State) => void)
      • (state: State): void
      • Fired when a track is considered to be on-air and is being heard by the audiance


        Returns void

  • setEnded: (() => void)
      • (): void
      • Fired when tracks have been stopped

        Returns void

  • setStarted: (() => void)
      • (): void
      • Fired when a DJ set first starts

        Returns void

  • stopped: ((opt: {
        deviceId: DeviceID;
    }) => void)
      • (opt: {
            deviceId: DeviceID;
        }): void
      • Fired when a track has stopped and is completley offair


        Returns void

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