Type alias State

State: {
    beat: number | null;
    beatInMeasure: number;
    beatsUntilCue: number | null;
    deviceId: number;
    effectivePitch: number;
    isEmergencyMode: boolean;
    isMaster: boolean;
    isOnAir: boolean;
    isSync: boolean;
    packetNum: number;
    playState: PlayState;
    sliderPitch: number;
    trackBPM: number | null;
    trackDeviceId: DeviceID;
    trackId: number;
    trackSlot: MediaSlot;
    trackType: TrackType;

Represents various details about the current state of the CDJ.

Type declaration

  • beat: number | null

    The beat 'timestamp' of the track. Can be used to compute absolute track time given the slider pitch.

  • beatInMeasure: number

    The current beat within the measure. 1-4. 0 when no track is loaded.

  • beatsUntilCue: number | null

    Number of beats remaining until the next cue point is reached. Null if there is no next cue point

  • deviceId: number

    The device reporting this status.

  • effectivePitch: number

    The "effective" pitch of the plyaer. This is reported anytime the jogwheel is nudged, the CDJ spins down by pausing with the vinyl stop knob not at 0, or by holding the platter.

  • isEmergencyMode: boolean

    Whether the CDJ is in an emergency state (emergecy loop / emergency mode on newer players)

  • isMaster: boolean

    Whether the CDJ is the master player.

  • isOnAir: boolean

    Whether the CDJ is currently reporting itself as 'on-air'.

    This is indicated by the red ring around the platter on the CDJ Nexus models. A DJM mixer must be ont he network for the CDJ to report this as true.

  • isSync: boolean

    Whether the CDJ is synced.

  • packetNum: number

    A counter that increments for every status packet sent.

  • playState: PlayState

    The current play state of the CDJ.

  • sliderPitch: number

    The current slider pitch

  • trackBPM: number | null

    The BPM of the loaded track. null if no track is loaded or the BPM is unknown.

  • trackDeviceId: DeviceID

    The device ID the track is loaded from.

    For example if you have two CDJs and you've loaded a track over the 'LINK', this will be the ID of the player with the USB media device connected to it.

  • trackId: number

    The ID of the track loaded on the device.

    0 When no track is loaded.

  • trackSlot: MediaSlot

    The MediaSlot the track is loaded from. For example a SD card or USB device.

  • trackType: TrackType

    The TrackType of the track, for example a CD or Rekordbox analyzed track.

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