Type alias MixstatusConfig

MixstatusConfig: {
    allowedInterruptBeats: number;
    beatsUntilReported: number;
    mode: MixstatusMode;
    timeBetweenSets: number;
    useOnAirStatus: boolean;

Type declaration

  • allowedInterruptBeats: number

    Configures how many beats a track may not be live or playing for it to still be considered active.


    8 (two bars)

  • beatsUntilReported: number

    Configures how many beats the track must consecutively be playing for (since the beat it was cued at) until the track is considered to be active.

    Used for MixstatusMode.SmartTiming


    128 (2 phrases)

  • mode: MixstatusMode

    Selects the mixstatus reporting mode

  • timeBetweenSets: number

    Specifies the duration in seconds that no tracks must be on air. This can be thought of as how long 'air silence' is reasonable in a set before a separate one is considered have begun.


    30 (half a minute)

  • useOnAirStatus: boolean

    Indicates if the status objects reported should have their on-air flag read. Setting this to false will degrade the functionality of the processor such that it will not consider the value of isOnAir and always assume CDJs are live.



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